Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next New Thing

Consistency and Standardization

A myriad of social networking sites have hit the scene in the last few years. Everything from Twitter, to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, etc. etc. These sites all strive to be different and occupy some sort of niche. However, they all have similarities. I find it a pain to create different accounts for each site and keep everything up to date and detailed. I propose that there is some sort of system of cross-standardization. For instance, if I were to update some of my personal information or contact list (Friends) in Facebook, it would automatically do the same in all of my other social networking platforms. This would save me the time and trouble of logging into each account and updating everything manually. Perhaps the individual sites could reach an agreement where this could be made possible. We are already seeing different platforms merge and co-operate (Yahoo with Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The social networking sites themselves should co-operate to make it more efficient for users.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I will be contributing to the section on Sports and New Media.

I plan to work in a variety of areas (including NBA, NCAA, MLB, NHL, PGA)

I will contribute to consistent categories for each sport (devoted sites, athlete Twitter pages, athlete Facebook pages, athlete/professional blogs). I know that some are already present, but I will update and add on to these offerings.

I will also create new sections for other sports (such as MMA, boxing, tennis, poker). Again, I will focus on social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook) as well as devoted sites, blogs, and Facebook pages.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing: 

File sharing is defined as the exchange of information, such as computer documents, programs, or multimedia. There are many ways to share files, including removable media (i.e., flash drives), servers, and peer-to-peer networking

P2P File Sharing:

P2P File Sharing is defined as a method/system that connects users in a peer-to-peer network. These users can then search for files on the computers of other users connected to that network. The user can not only download files from other users, but can also upload their own files. The P2P system involves partitioning parts/tasks among users. For instance, a user wishing to download a song will download that song in parts from a many other users. These users break up and share the "workload." Some example of P2P File Sharing applications are: Napster, BitTorrent, Kazaa, and Limewire.

Piracy Concerns:

There is an ongoing battle between content producers and users of P2P Networks. The sharing of protected material has grown and spread since the days of Napster. In a 2006 outrageous legal battle, a Minnesota mother is being sued for $1.5 million for downloading and sharing 24 songs on Kazaa (source: Suitable penalties for sharing content are being debated. Some believe that restricting internet access is a viable option, whereas others believe that "There's increasing understanding that broadband is fundamental to basic economic and social participation." (source: 

Future File Sharing

While P2P file sharing can be used in a myriad of legal and positive ways, there will always be piracy concerns. New avenues of illegal file sharing are already being pursued. For example, alternatives to downloading, such as streaming movies, are growing fast. There are also ways to share files without having your internet address being tracked. (source: 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

The growth of the internet and new media has been undeniable. But with that growth comes pitfalls and obstacles as well. Privacy and confidentiality issues are serious dangers in the age of Web 2.0.

First, there are the privacy issues presented by social networking sites. For example, Facebook's privacy policy has been constantly criticized for making private information public. The default privacy settings are to share as much information as possible. This makes Facebook a playground for potential hackers and identity thieves.

Youtube is another example of new media with privacy and confidentiality concerns. Users who post personal videos become vulnerable to personal attack (either on the internet, or in real life).

Privacy and confidentiality concerns shook the world with the release of WikiLeaks. The project presented an anonymous way for users to post sensitive, classified, or hidden documents for the world to see. Items posted include sensitive political and military documents, as well as confidential documents about corporate misconduct. The things posted on WikiLeaks routinely become giant news stories.

Advice to Baruch College

Baruch College is actually more involved in new media than I thought. They have a Facebook page that provides useful and interesting information. The page is also kept up to date regularly. They also have an active Twitter page, a blog, an online newspaper, and a Youtube channel with interviews from faculty and students.

The problem is that I had no idea that Baruch utilized some of these tools. The University should increase student awareness of these resources by putting up more posters, sending reminders with letters, etc. The more students use these resources, the richer and livelier they become.

I also think that Baruch should create a separate Wikipedia page that is student and faculty oriented. Currently, the Wikipedia page seems suited for an outsider who wants to read about the history of Baruch College. Baruch should create an internal Wiki that is kept up to date. So aside from focusing on history and general information, the Wiki can focus on daily events, student life, faculty news, etc.

Finally, Baruch needs to add more online courses. There are only a few online classes offered each semester. This is very unfortunate because many Baruch students are employed and need more flexibility. Online courses can be easily implemented with the use of online video lectures, Blackboard discussions, Wiki online collaborations, Twitter, blogs, etc. It would save the University money because online classes can be conducted without the need for a classroom, while also giving students and faculty flexibility.