Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next New Thing

Consistency and Standardization

A myriad of social networking sites have hit the scene in the last few years. Everything from Twitter, to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, etc. etc. These sites all strive to be different and occupy some sort of niche. However, they all have similarities. I find it a pain to create different accounts for each site and keep everything up to date and detailed. I propose that there is some sort of system of cross-standardization. For instance, if I were to update some of my personal information or contact list (Friends) in Facebook, it would automatically do the same in all of my other social networking platforms. This would save me the time and trouble of logging into each account and updating everything manually. Perhaps the individual sites could reach an agreement where this could be made possible. We are already seeing different platforms merge and co-operate (Yahoo with Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The social networking sites themselves should co-operate to make it more efficient for users.

1 comment:

  1. The idea is very good and practical. I think the way to easily execute it will be by a third party platform with access to all social platforms.
    if you have a chance check out Tweetdeck, i think it offers some of the features you are talking about:
